Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

It hasn't been too exciting lately, so I apologize for the time lapse.

Sunday was boring. Finally about 3:30, we went to the theme park or 'parque de diversiones.' I found it odd, because I thought we were going to get coffee. Turns out you can get into the theme park for free if you aren't riding rides. We went to a section that they have done up like a town in the 1800's, and had coffee at a nice little cafe (I was glad to find out that I didn't completely misunderstand). Next, we saw a traditional dance of the same time period. Very cool!

Monday was dance class. We thought we were getting it pretty good until a girl brought her host brother. Needless to say, he showed us how we were really supposed to do the Meringue and Chachacha.
Today was cooking class. We made Mexican dishes (because it is a Latin American cooking class, not just Costa Rica). We had the best quesadillas I have ever eaten, as well as chalupas. We also made a big bowl of amazing guacamole. Can't wait to try it out on my own in the States!
Here is the table with almost everything. I could eat like that everyday!
Pura Vida,

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for you to try your recipes on us! :) Sounds like you are learning alot. I'm glad you found a place that can teach you how to dance. :) Miss you!

